
Family Rutaceae. Mandarin is an evergreen tree that grows between 15 and 20 feet tall with a single trunk. The peel of the fruit varies from yellow to deep orange-red when ripe. Similar to oranges, the most sought after parts for skincare are the peel, composed mainly of limonene (up to 74%). The fruit rind of the mandarin is expressed to create this sought after oil. Geography: Most abundantly grown in Japan, Southern China, India and East Indies. The Mandarin Orange tree tolerates drought and is much more cold hardy than Sweet Oranges.

Historical Uses

The Mandarin tree originated in China and was brought to Europe in the early 1800's. It's sweet, small fruit was traditionally given as a gift. Mandarin and Tangerines have the same species name; the name Tangerine is used in English speaking countries and Mandarin elsewhere. In addition to it's use in aromatherapy, mandarin oil is used in flavours for soft drinks, candy and liquores. Therapeutically, Mandarin is known to be used for it's antispasmodic, digestive, diuretic and sedative properties. It is often recommended for acne, congested and oily skin.